8/11 (Nov) - More New Atari Midis, 44, letters D, F, R, S, T,.. wow, it's getting really big, the section @__@ but generally atari games have just one poor jingle instead of a nice complete soundtrack +_+ well, the number got to 1997, Shining Force is just ahead .. just wait =P oh, yeah, my site is to be moving to a new location soon, so I'll move all my midis there, including the ones offline, .. oh my god, it's 1997 links to change, but it will be better because geocities can't stand it all ... XD
2/11 (Nov) - New Atari Midis, 56 of them =P mostly letters C, P and S, and Master Builder, which was 1900th... actually, I kind of feel like "quantity over quality" doing these midis, since I was on 1800 and now I'm close to 2000, .. but I'll stop everything on 1999 or near, so I'll be back to Shining Force.. \o/
29/10 - More New Midis on Atari section, just did letter B, G and M ... Gyruss took me some hours, I never knew an Atari game could have such a long music ... XD
26/10 - New Midis on my new Atari Section =P and complete another of my crazy secret ideas: at least one midis starting with each letter on the alphabet \o/ Xenophobe is a savior, because there is no X-Men game I really like +_+ oh yes, and updated Fire Shark and Hellfire midis on Mega Drive, the name of the composer, only,... Masahiro Yuge =P
23/10/2008 - Well, long time no see \o/ I feel weird using my old pc to do midis because the new one is always so busy with email checking from others, anyway, this should be the right time but.. I started a new section, and a new project, kind of, it's called -= Atari Games with something that can be called music =- \o\ and added 5 midis there, and other 27 to the Intellivision section, that is if I'm not mistaken, filled with 100% of the musics I know on the console's games =P covering Inty and Atari is really easy and pretty fun because I can remember nostalgically my childhood XD and well, maybe I should try an Odyssey section in the future, after the Atari project, but it's not like there is really any music there... some Atari and Inty games are as old as Master System, but mostly much older like 1978~1982... awfully, that midi 1800 thing was totally wasted on a 2 second jingle, which is not that special, but who cares, if the midis are being made... I'll keep the label on Shining Force, so I feel like wanting to continue the midis soon =P big text XD If there is any alive people visiting the site yet, thanks for passing by XD if there are dead people visiting, which I really think they can't,... in the end, I couldn't stand 2 years without doing midis, so much weird stuff happened @__@ but I managed to win most of the battles of life so far =P wish me some luck there \o/
9/7/2007 (Jul) - Update, I love my site and can't let it vanish ^^' well, I've been not doing midis because of some changes in my life, and I'm searching (rarely) for a new sequencer program ... and well.. the updates I did were only links =P I'll be back someday, but probably won't be doing midis as fast as in the past...
15/12 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Shining Force: 3 or 4 musics, I swear I didn't count =P LOL (ok, it's 4) xP anyway, next midi is 1800, I want to do something special, but still on Shining Force \o\
10/11 (Nov) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Battletoads: 2 musics =P and Shining Force: 1 music =P
9/11 (Nov) - New Midis: Master System: Hang On: the missing music (actually, it's missing even in the Master System version, but I don't want to think about doing a version to this totally unknown console called SG-1000...) Gangster Town: 9 musics; Paperboy: 2 musics =P things are running pretty fast recently, but that's probably because these musics are simple ^^' but next one won't be so easy \o/
8/11 (Nov) - New Midis: Master System: Safari Hunt: 4 musics, Hang On: 3 musics =P these games are the first ones I've seen on Master System, since they came in the console, so,... it's no surprise the musics are so simple XDDD
7/11 (Nov) - New Midis: Master System: My Hero (Seishun Scandal): 6 musics (soundtrack), ... simple musics, with a great "chase touch", I think =P (actually, that's what it should be, the guy is chasing the kidnapper... while being chased by the entire gang of enemies) ... =P
6/11 (Nov) - New Midis: Master System: Rambo - First Blood Part II: 1 music (this game is a version of Secret Command, just the Title Screen is different) =P and... Columns: 5 musics (those musics that play when we're near-filling the screen with blocks) =P well, "Musics Missing ^^'" does have a little more priority than "Doing these =P" XD
26/10 - Updates: Master System: Asterix: composer (Takayuki -> Takayuki Nakamura), Choplifter: composer (Hairy Uwa -> Tokuhiko Uwabo), Columns: added track names, Monopoly: composer (Scott Statton), Populous: composer (Rob Hubbard), Secret Command: added track names to 2 musics, Thunder Blade: composer (Koichi Namiki -> Kouichi Namiki), Zillion (1 and 2): added Anime track names (Pure Stone, Push!)... California Games: added name to Title Screen and fixed Foot Bag music. I think that's all O.o many updating here, new midis next time \o\
13/9 - New Midis: Master System: Pit Pot (5 musics) depending on the weather tomorrow there will be another of these simple soundtracks from old Master System games, huhuh >D
12/9 (Sep) - New Midis: Master System: Spy vs Spy (5 musics) \o\ nothing to say, just that I need a new computer here +__+
4/7 (Jul) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Shining Force: the Credits music ^^' actually, this midi took me almost 3 weeks and still doesn't sound that good u.o now I'm beginning to understand the reason most Shining Force midis on VGMusic are crappy weird conversions ő.o but I won't give up, never! \o\ this soundtrack is just too great ^__^
18/6 - Updated many Mega Drive midis, because of a discovery of many OST names =P and the SNES page is gone, until I find that new host =\
17/6 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Shining Force (3 musics) and... 2 updates: Ship and Attack musics had little corrections xP and oh, I have problems with the yahoo geocities server, .. I'll have to deactivate the SNES page too =__= most of the midis are available on VGMusic, and the others, .. I'm still uploading there XD
16/6 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Shining Force (1 music), and... 1 update on the Ship music, now it's more accurate XD and 3 updates on Monster World, removing the "Musics missing ^^'" sign, now it's complete \o\ Title, Prologue and Pepe's Song were the incomplete ones XD
9/6 (Jun) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Fatal Fury (1 music), Street Fighter 2 (2 musics), and yes, M.Bison is the box fighter Ň_ó
7/6 (Jun) - New Midis: Master System FM: Captain Silver (12 musics), Miracle Warriors (12), Vigilante (12 too) \o\ the most incredible fact is that I did all these 36 midis in the same day =P well, anyway, the problem is partially solved and now I can and will do Mega Drive midis with full speed ^__^ preferably coming back to Shining Force immediatly, but I'll see te other requests first /o/ the bad news is that I deactivated Game Boy page because that was the next page I was going to deactivate to make space.. but they'll all be back when I find the new host \o\ and... you can find all my GB midis on VGMusic.com ^^ see ya \o and thanks for still visiting XD
28/5 - Ok, I had problems with the computer.. and it's really messed up now, but now at least I have a mouse, so I can get back to sequencing,.. but... you'll see those weird marks on the Mega Drive section, ... they mean I have a problem with winamp and a plugin and all Mega Drive musics I put on it simply make it close and give me an error, .. and says the problems is on the archive IN_VGM.DLL =P so, I'll only do Mega Drive midis again after they fix it in the next version of vgm plugin -.- sorry, I really wanted to move with Shining Force, but I can't right now... but other Mega Drive musics that don't involve PSG channels,.. no problem, I still can do it normally ^^ back to FM, since I can do them as usual \o\
24/3 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Shining Force.. finally starting =P 8 midis for now, but not exactly the shortest musics ^^'
20/3 - New Midis: Intellivision: Venture... and I thought I would never sequence Inty midis again... XD anyway, ok, Shining Force now =P
14/3 - Just passing by to see if I can solve the problem with the counter.... I don't know if the page got to 10000 visits or reseted itself, but it happened on the internal counter for the Mega Drive section too, so I have to discover when did this happen... -.- and I really have to do some midis this month @__@
27/2 - New Midis: Master System: Asterix (soundtrack, 28 musics) =P well, I'm having some family problems, some people may even have the same problem (mom addicted to internet), ... I hope I can buy my own computer soon O_o
10/2 (Feb) - New Midis: Master System: Renegade (soundtrack, 13 musics), next is Asterix... I will most probably stick to Master System this month, and next (march), I'm planning to do Shining Force ^^ how about that? XD
3/1 (Jan) - There,... the power of FM musics, and the first midi of the year (I hope I can do a decent number of midis this year...) ^^ My First 2006 MIDI and bye for a while =P
3/1/2006 (Jan) - Well, happy new year,... I'm losing internet connection at home for a while, but I'll try to do as many midis I can this year,... I'm not letting the 'Doing these =P' sign for now, the next one is a secret =P~~
23/12 - New Midis: Mark III: Fantasy Zone - The Maze / Opa Opa (soundtrack, 14 musics) =P do someone else notice the decreasing number of midis in each soundtrack? XD
21/12 - New Midis: Mark III: Power Strike / Aleste (soundtrack, 15 musics) =P 14 if the One Up is considered SFX, but still 15 midis XD and added names to the musics from Fantasy Zone (and Fantasy Zone - The Maze)... =P and yes, the names on Fantasy Zone - The Maze are scrambled like that >.>
20/12 - New Midis: Mark III: R-Type (soundtrack, 17 musics) =P
17/12 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Fire Shark: the missing music ^^' and identified one music from SpellCaster, Master System... the Password Screen ^^' (actually, I feel pretty bad seeing that it wasn't an unused music... how careless I was...) ._.
15/12 - New Midis: SNES: Fire Emblem 4: 1 update; Mega Drive: Fire Shark: 5 musics and 1 update... mistakes were one wrong instrument and some wrong notes,.. maybe I'm getting too old? O__o or maybe I'm getting too hasty =P
14/12 - New Midis: SNES: Fire Emblem 4: 6 musics (including the update of the one before) ^^' Mega Drive: Fire Shark: 1 music... =P
7/12 (Dec) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Sonic 1 and 2: 6 musics,... people request such easy musics... I couldn't resist this request XD oh and SNES: Fire Emblem 4: 1 music =P I didn't like the version that is in the VGMusic archive, so I did my own midi XD I'll just stick to other consoles for a little while and then, after 1600th midi, I'll go to Master System again (but I'm talking FM now) ^^
2/12 (Dec) - New Midis: Master System: Megumi Rescue (soundtrack, 11 musics) ^^ well... I was having few time to do anything on the computer, but hopefully, this will change for better now =P
8/11 (Nov) - New Midis: Master System: Altered Beast (soundtrack, 6 musics) ^^ next will be Megumi Rescue, because it's the last one still on list that will become FM =P and it's pretty simple and won't take me time, even if my mouse started saying its prayers -.-
28/10 - New Midis: Master System: Out Run 3D (completed soundtrack) ^__^ some people could ask why Color Ocean is the only BGM that doesn't have a fade out... it's because I didn't want to lose the perfect loop for this midi =P I could even do a fade out version... only if requested, of course... o.o
20/10 - Just updating the Out Run (and Out Run 3D) MIDIs, so they have my new email in their tags... I'm deleting my zipmail account tomorrow, and the ibest account will die anyway, because I don't use it anymore, so, requests or non-requests, my email is joaobuaes@gmail.com ^^ (I'll be adding this email to any midi that I edit or create, but the old midis still keep the old email, because.... they're more than 1500, it would be too much of editing...) O__o
19/10 - Just didn't have time and good priorities this month yet... O_o New Midis: Master System: Out Run (completed the soundtrack), still going to work on Out Run 3D... I don't remember because it was in my old pc, but I'm pretty sure someone requested 'Color Ocean' ^^ well, my page finally doesn't have space for all my midis, so I'll take priorities to show only 1st) the newer, 2nd) the ones that aren't on VGMusic, and 3rd) the ones with best instrument sets... Game Boy Advance is the first because the last midi I did was on November 2003 and all 104 of them are available on VGMusic ^__^ well, thanks for the visits and keep visiting, I think I've finally organized my priorities ^^
30/9 - New Midis: Master System: Out Run: 1 music... =P (I felt like this one would be the most troublesome, especially because it has my favorite music parts on the entire Out Run soundtrack, including 3D) (is there any different music in the game called Out Run Europa??) O__o
28/9 - New Midis: Master System: Out Run and Out Run 3D: 2 musics, the same music, anyway, but... XD and fixed the Magical Sound Shower from Out Run.. it was looping like the 3D version, and now it's looping like in the right game =P (I really have to update that 85% chance of 'Doing there =P'...) >.>
27/9 - New Midis: SNES: Fire Emblem 4: 1 more music... =P ok, ok, now back to the Master System again... XD
26/9 - 85% hit ratio strikes back =P New Midis: SNES: Fire Emblem 4: 1 music... =P
19/9 - Hey, something more! My free space here is nearly over, so, if I need more space (you see how Out Run musics are long, that WILL make bigger files), you can say goodbye to Game Boy Advance section... just for a while, until I finally get to find a new host =P (I want something with no adware and free and obviously, something that can host .mid files) XD
19/9 - Well, I've been someway busy, so I couldn't do any midis in september.... O_o just updates: Mega Drive: Monster World IV: updated the OST names for the midi tags.. there is no difference when listening to them, but... =P well, I'll try doing more midis this week ^^'
31/8 - New Midis: Master System: Out Run: 1 music; Out Run 3D: 1 music (the same music, but remixed) =P
27/8 - New Midis: Master System: Rocky: 11 musics... =P
20/8 - New Midis: Master System: Enduro Racer: 6 musics; Mega Drive: Lost Vikings: 1 music =P I didn't remember how easy and quick Master System midis usually come from my sequences... =P
19/8 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Hellfire: 4 musics (now the soundtrack is complete) ^^ back to Master System for a while /o/
15/8 - New Midis: only 1 composition =P and I've changed my heart for a while.... back to Mega Drive and Master System for a while.... but... I've found another interesting game for SNES anyway =P~
4/8 (Ago) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Hellfire: 2 musics... all signs pointed to Bomberman, but I was really upset about it and decided to do something unexpected =P besides, the 'doing these =P' sign is about 85% sure, anyway... and it was requested ^_^
1/8 (Ago) - Nothing, just back from the trip =P back to the MIDIs soon ^^
21/7 - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 3: the 3 last musics... since the trip starts at 22/Jul, I still have time, maybe I'll start some midis for Bomberman 4 =P fixed the end of the trip... it was 31, now it's 30... XD
20/7 - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 3: 4 musics... well, just finishing with Bomberman 3 tomorrow (with some luck, if not tomorrow, the day after tomorrow) .. because I will go on a trip from 22/Jul to 30/Jul... and I won't do midis while I'm traveling... XD see you all before august, when I come back ^_^
19/7 - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 3: 7 musics... more delay usually means more new midis around here... =P
16/7 - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 3: 1 music... this Battle theme have really weird noises I couldn't sequence in MIDI... so I had to try a little improvising =P well, done with 3+4 musics... (weird that I keep finding new tracks in all Bomberman games... all SPC packs I found on internet are incomplete...) =P
15/7 - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 3: 2 musics =P also, two more tracks to Super Bomberman 4... only one of these missing now =P
14/7 - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 3: 9 musics =P these aren't as long as the second game musics... but they have many noises, SFX, and... pitch wheel! =P oh, I'm not working on Super Bomberman 4 yet, but some musics are the same.. (in fact, all 9 tracks I've sequenced are from 3 and 4) XD
11/7 (Jul) - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 3: 3 musics ^^ actually, I could say remixes, since they're so much alike the First SNES Bomberman game... =P maybe this was lack of creativity? Or maybe these guys knew that the musics were good? O_o
10/7 (Jul) - New Midis: 2 compositions... and 2 updates on old sequences, like Black Belt: Boss (Master System), and Super Bomberman: Stage 1 (SNES) ok, one of them is not that old... =P the compositions are new, I started them recently, and that's usual to me: starting a composition, working on it for 2 hours, and then it looks complete... and finally the mistakes start showing themselves just after the release =P
8/7 (Jul) - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 2: 2 last musics =P since I couldn't finish Stage 3 yesterday, I could finish both of them today ^^ these were really difficult to do... only losing to Streets of Rage 3 in complexity =P
5/7 (Jul) - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 2: 1 music =P
4/7 (Jul) - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 2: 1 music =P and strange... I just corrected the date of last update... it was 2/July, now it's 3/July, not that it matters, because I made the upload at 0:00, so it was both =P
3/7 (Jul) - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 2: 1 music =P Boss Machine =P (Boss's Machine?) (Machine Boss?) ... oh, maybe I'm going to move to a new host, because I don't have much space around here (15MB) =P if I move, I can have unlimited space =P and that's pretty much better than 15MB XD
1/7 (Jul) - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 2: Stage 5... my 1500th midi =P and this happened to be the bigger one too (76,8KB) O_o and something more: I killed Old News page,... now it's Old News txt ^^
29/6 - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 2: 5 musics =P and one from Super Bomberman that I was just missing... O_o how was I supposed to know that there was a Game Over music? I never lose in Bomberman XD
27/6 - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 2: 6 musics =P these were not the longer musics I was talking about anyway... O_o
26/6 - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman 2: 5 musics =P well, since this Bomberman game have much longer musics, I'll probably be uploading them every time, or maybe not, or maybe yes, I'm undecided... >.>
25/6 - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman: all musics (17), including the one I uploaded before, because there was a minor mistake =P
21/6 - New Midis: SNES: Super Bomberman: 1 music... after the increasing of near 200% of GB midis, there will be a near 200% one for SNES too... =P
9/6 (Jun) - New Midis: Game Boy: Pokémon Gold/Silver: 101 musics =P big surprise XD \o/ =P ^__^ O_o oh, and updated About Me, just some little adjustments... ^^
1/6 (Jun) - No new midis... just 3 updates, being: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (GBA) TV Theme changed to TV Tune (because some people get confused thinking it's the anime theme...) =P Ristar (Mega) "Crazy Kings", changed the bass instrument =P Pokémon Red/Blue (GB) - Lavender Town, there was a buggy note at the beginning of the file... now it's corrected ^_^ and... happy June XD
22/5 - New Midis: SNES: Sailor Moon Another Story... the 3 left musics (I loved the bass on Kainess theme) \o/ and didn't put the 'Doing these =P' sign because ... I don't want it to be predictable XD
21/5 - New Midis: Master System: Lemmings: 19 musics, full soundtrack. I mean... except for the voices =P
17/5 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Trouble Shooter: 12 musics, Streets of Rage 3: 1, Ristar: 2, Ranger X: 1, Lost Vikings: 1, Hellfire: 2, Fire Shark: 2, Devil Hunter Yohko: 1, Columns 3: 1, Batman: 1, Eternal Champions: 1,..... let's say I've got the "Game Over Music Syndrome" O__o (but not all of them are game over themes, huh!) =P
9/5 (May) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Trouble Shooter: 2 musics...
8/5 (May) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Trouble Shooter: 8 musics... Not tired anymore, for a while =P anyway, I was searching for some information on the game, and most of the results were about antivirus... I really prefer the original name (Battle Mania)... O_o
7/5 (May) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Trouble Shooter: 1 music... I would do more, but I was tired O_o
30/4 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Shining Force 2: 2 musics and Shining Force 1: 1 music... for those who thought I wouldn't do any more midis this month especially because of the last text =P (note: I'm sure I can't call these musics Battle themes.... like battle was just hitting an enemy once or twice...) XD
29/4 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Shining Force 2: 1 music =P Didn't expected another new one on April, huh? =P
28/4 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Shining Force 2: 2 musics =P I'll try to update more often, but it's never worked out for me O__o (I guess so) =P
15/4 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Shining Force 2: 1 music =P sorry for taking so long to do this one.... maybe about.... considering only the time I used on this midi...... it took me about 9 hours of hard work O__o
3/4 (Apr) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Fire Shark: 1 music for now =P Oh, and I'm planning to start a Game Gear section, but that would be just linking again to Master System midis, since I didn't do anything that exists only for Game Gear... maybe Super Columns or Phantasy Star Gaiden could be good ideas... ^_^
2/4 (Apr) - New Midis: Master System: Sukeban Deka II (6 musics, full soundtrack) =P
31/3 - No new midis =P just updating some composers for many games on Master System and Mega Drive sections =P Alex Kidd - The Lost Stars, Black Belt, High School Kimengumi, Hokuto no Ken, R-Type, Secret Command, Vigilante, and Battle Mania Daiginjou =P (was this brainstorm of game names really necessary?) O_o
25/3 - New Midis: Master System: High School Kimengumi, 9 musics (full soundtrack) ... I'm pretty sure one of the last updates had wrong date, but I can't really tell right now... O.o
22/3 - New Midis: Master System: Miracle Warriors, 12 musics (full soundtrack) =P hm... I can't forget to add the number of musics in the News page... Old News saved me a big headache yesterday =P next is High School Kimengumi, do someone know it? ^^ oh, and something that won't probably be noticed... divided all Midis into 8 subdirectories, so if a link doesn't work, tell me =P
19/3 (yet) - New Midis: Master System: Dynamite Dux, 8 musics (full soundtrack) =P
19/3 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Mystic Defender: 3 musics, completing the soundtrack =P (I did them all in 16/3 but lost connection to internet..) XD
16/3 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Mystic Defender: 2 musics ^^ even I was missing that =P
15/3 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Mystic Defender: 1 music... =P and sorted the Mystic Defender list a little better, because it was like the Sount test screen before =P
10/3 (Mar) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Mystic Defender: 1 music... =P
8/3 (Mar) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Mystic Defender: 2 musics... and the section got bigger =P
5/3 (Mar) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Mystic Defender: 5 musics for now =P
2/3 (Mar) - New Midis: Mark III: Ys: 20 musics (soundtrack) ... maybe this month won't be as productive as the last one... =\
23/2 - New Midis: Running Battle: 2 musics, one of them could be used in the ending... but not; Shinobi: 3 musics; SpellCaster: 1 music; Teddy Boy Blues: 2 musics; Thunder Blade: 1 music was completed, The End; Vigilante: 1 music; Wonder Boy: 4 new music, one is used, but... and Zillion: 1 music =P Mark3 (FM): SpellCaster: same music as Master :P
21/2 - Have been some time finding unused music on Master System, and now I'm doing the midis =P New Midis: Master System: Alex Kidd High Tech World: Ending, now loopable; BMX Trial - Alex Kidd (name is like this for now): Jetpack (Flying, now complete) and Ending; Captain Silver: Death; Columns: Atropos, Name Entry, and 1 unused; Ghouls'n Ghosts: 1 unused; Golvellius: changed Unknown to Unused; Jurassic Park: 2 unused; Lord of the Sword: 1 unused; Lucky Dime Caper: South Pole? unused; Penguin Land: Ending... more as soon as possible =P
12/2 (Feb) - New Midis: Master System: Gauntlet, Ghost House, Ghouls'n Ghosts (all full soundtracks) ... three scary games? =P
11/2 (Feb) - New Midis: Master System: Kung Fu Kid (soundtrack) =P
10/2 (Feb) - Did something wrong here and lost statistics for each section, but... changed names of some files =P and changed Master System sections to spread the midis better... now it's back to A-F and G-Q... =P
10/2 (Feb) - New Midis: Master System: Secret Command (soundtrack) ... also known as Secret Commando (forgot if it's because of Title Screen or game box) and also known as Rambo, which made me add many things to all Master System sections =P and the only new midis really are the Secret Command ones... ^_^
9/2 (Feb) - New Midis: Master System: R-Type (soundtrack) .. that was pretty easy for 17 musics... O_o oh, and... don't try to find the 'Doing these =P' because I'm not sure what midis I'll do next...
8/2 (Feb) - New Midis: Master System: Power Strike (soundtrack) =P
6/2 (Feb) - New Midis: Master System: Flash (soundtrack) ... and... if the weather doesn't get warm or hot, I'll do the next midis even faster =P
3/2 (Feb) - New Midis: Master System: Lucky Dime Caper (soundtrack) ... and made all Master System sections bigger, cause I'm planning to do more midis this year than any other =P
18/1/2005 - New Midis: SNES: Sailor Moon Another Story: 1 music... a Title Screen... good to start the year, I guess... =P happy 2005, and thanks for visiting ^^
23/12 - New Midis: SNES: Sailor Moon Another Story: 2 more musics... and I don't know if there will be more midis this year... O_o
17/12 - New Midis: SNES: Sailor Moon Another Story: 3 musics =P
9/12 (Dec) - New Midis: Master System: Running Battle... actually, only 11 updates, adding the composer ^^
8/12 (Dec) - New Midis: SNES: Clue: all musics... fixed composer in the midi that was already there =P and... fixing the composer for Master System Running Battle next time ^^
7/12 (Dec) - If someone is calling a doctor because of daltonism, stop now, because I'm changing the color around here, maybe for a while, I don't know... what do you think? =P oh, and New Midis: Mega Drive: Streets of Rage 3: 1 music and 5 updates... nothing too special for the updates.. SNES: Clue: 1 music =P and... happy 2 years of Johnnyz's MIDIs Page ^__^ (maybe only changing color is cheap, but...) =P
3/12 (Dec) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Streets of Rage 3: 1 music ^_^ (new month, old text) =P
28/11 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Streets of Rage 3: 1 music ^_^ (is this getting repetitive?) these musics are complex... the possibilities of doing 2 or 3 midis at once is almost 0% =P and finishing one of these is so satisfactory that I have to update the page quick... (my computer is not in a good situation, I don't know how many days it will last... what would happen if I lose one of these sequences?) =P
24/11 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Streets of Rage 3: 1 music ^_^ (I was going to do 3, but something happened) =P
23/11 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Streets of Rage 3: 1 music ^_^ (hm... maybe I should make this text a little different... well, the parenthesis already made it) =P
20/11 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Streets of Rage 3: 1 music ^_^
13/11 - New Midis: 23 of them... in the new section: the Intellivision section ^__^ (maybe I've sequenced more than half of the musics for this console... but these were all the games I knew...) =P
12/11 (Nov) - New Midis: Master System: Quartet: 11 musics, complete soundtrack =P
6/11 (Nov) - New Midis: Master System: E-SWAT: 12 musics, complete soundtrack... did someone notice that? This game is only the music... XD fixed some little things in all other sections and if I didn't say it before, there will be a new section soon... I think only old people will know/remember those musics, but... =P Oh, and I have to remember to fix the links section later.. O_o
30/10 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Columns 3: 3 musics =P Ranger X: 1 music =P and SNES: Ardy Lightfoot: 1 music =P good enough to end october, I think... ^^
26/10 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Monster World IV: 2 (last) musics and 1 more update... there will probably be more updates in the future... and I let that 'Musics Missing' sign there because of the incomplete musics... especially Title Screen and Pepelogoo's Song =P
24/10 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Monster World IV: 3 musics and 1 update =P
23/10 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Monster World IV: 3 new musics... and 3 new updates... =P
22/10 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Monster World IV: 4 new musics... and fixed the Game Over theme (added one track that I forgot to sequence before) =P maybe there are more missing tracks like this... O.o checking that later.
20/10 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Monster World IV: 5 musics... that was pretty quick ^^
19/10 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Monster World IV: 1 music... =P
16/10 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Monster World IV: 3 musics... =P 1 of them is the Rapadagna Town, updated again... =P
12/10 (Oct) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Monster World IV: 1 music... I got another cold (and that usually means there will be a new composition soon) XD oh, and added Power Strike and R-Type music names.... I still don't know if they're right, though... =P
2/10 (Oct) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Monster World IV.... and I forgot how many musics already XD 9, probably, including the fixed Rapadagna Town theme that was named as Rapadagna City before... =P
29/9 - New Midis: Master System: Y's - The Vanished Omens: 20 musics (entire soundtrack, to be precise) =P doing the FM versions still this year, 80% sure ^_^
25/9 - Almost two weeks later..... New Midis: Mega Drive: Streets of Rage 3: 1 music.. SNES: Sailor Moon Another Story: 1 music... and fixed one Zillion 2 midi for Master System... Inside Base music had a shorter loop in the game, so I cut the extra part from the midi =P
12/9 (Sep) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Streets of Rage 3: 1 music (I guess... because I'm uploading 4 of them.... some little minor almost non existant mistakes were there... you don't even have to download the midis again XD) oh, and added names for Master System Galaxy Force musics ^^
4/9 (Sep) - New Midis: Mega Drive: Streets of Rage 3: 3 musics ^^ (and fixed something on Mr. X music)
28/8 - New Midis: SNES: Sailor Moon Another Story: 2 musics... Mega Drive: Streets of Rage 3: 1 music... and fixed something on the Moving Platform one... Now concentrating on more Streets of Rage 3 music... those are really complicated! O_o Fixed names for Aztec Adventure music (including FM). And added an important note on about me section... enough to be said here: if you send me an email to request for MIDIS, put the word MIDI on the subject, or else the email won't reach my mailbox =P ok? (I was getting too much of spam, had to do it..) ^^'
23/8 - New Midis: SNES: Sailor Moon Another Story: 3 musics... Master System: added composer for Thunder Blade, updated composer for After Burner... added rounds names to Vigilante... added a little note on About Me section, and ..... and..... forgot =P maybe that's all ^^'''
17/8 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Tiny Toons: 1 music... =P I'm done with this game.... now concentrating on more Sailor Moon Another Story requests... ^^
15/8 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Tiny Toons: 1 music... =P (oh, and I fixed the thing I deleted by mistake on Master System FM page, just in case someone noticed that Fantasy Zone II music links weren't there... it had something to do with the backup file..)
14/8 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Tiny Toons: 1 music... I'm still "recovering" from this problem, so I won't do midis so fast for a while... or maybe I'm getting old =P
1/8 (Ago) - Sorry for not updating the home page.... I lost my HD last month... and couldn't do anything about midis... anyway, now I'm back to sequencing ^__^ updated Links page, almost all requests, and added 1 MIDI for Tiny Toons: Buster's Hidden Treasure (Mega Drive section)... and maybe I did a mistake on Master System FM page... correcting it next time =P
9/7 (Jul) - New Midis: Master System: Fantasy Zone II FM Soundtrack =P and fixed FZone2-BossDefeated.mid... some little problem with drums... =P
1/7 (Jul) - New Midis: Master System: Kenseiden FM Soundtrack ^___^ when I was doing these, I found an error on Kenseiden-Round2.mid =P but it's already corrected now... gosh, I have to update all those midis on vgmusic.... many of them weren't finished when I sent them XD
30/6 - New Midis: Master System: SpellCaster FM Soundtrack, original name Kujakuou =P and changed some files names... 'Goruberiosu ' to 'Goruberiasu'.... the original name is Maou Goruberiasu (love these japanese 'typos') XD
29/6 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Streets of Rage 3: Stage 3.3 - Moving Platform... (will try to make this midi better later... the instruments in this music simply don't exist!) Master System: Golvellius: FM Soundtrack... most of them sound good.. =P and as my 'request list' say, I'll work on Master System FM soundtracks for a while... make requests if you want, but I'm not gonna do anything else so soon... ^^
22/6 - New Midis: SNES: Sailor Moon Another Story: 3 musics... Temple Ruins, Demon Apsu (Final Battle), and Oppositio Senshi Battle ^^
20/6 - No New Midis... changed some file names (mainly on Master System games), so if you have problems with a download, email me... corrected something on about me section... and some gramatic errors =P oh, and added some keywords on many pages ^^
19/6 - New Midis: SNES: Sailor Moon Another Story: 2 musics... Moon Kingdom (maybe Earth Kingdom...?) and Challenge (plays when an oppositio senshi challenges Sailor Jupiter, don't remember the name now) =P
17/6 - Sorry for not doing midis in a while... New Midis: Master System: Penguin Land (all), SNES: Sailor Moon Another Story: Hikawa Shrine ^^ and trying to separate some time to fulfill the Master System FM soundtrack, maybe I won't even accept requests next month... O.o
5/6 (Jun) yet.. - Just trying to keep the idea of request list clear... because I think it was confusing... I did some little changes, you can see what they mean on 'About Me' section (updated this section too many times for a year already...) just if they don't explain themselves =P and about the space... they're occuping less than 4k.. XD it won't kill anyone's connection =P
5/6 (Jun) - New Midis: SNES: Sailor Moon Another Story: 4 musics... and I added the entire list there... it's not that I'll sequence every music in this game... but maybe someone could request some other musics... =P or just see that the game has 35 musics, I don't know.. =P
4/6 (Jun) - New Midis: Master System: Running Battle. Great game ^^ and updated the 'Old News'... =P oh, and now I'm working on Sailor Moon Another Story again.... anybody knows if there is really a Game Over on this game? O_o More: I'm changing some files names, mostly from GameOver to Over, FinalBoss to Boss2, and FinalDungeon to Dungeon... if there is a problem with a download, someone tell me, please? ^__^
1/6 (1/Jun) - New Midis: Galaxy Force (pretty complicated musics... especially Scene D).. and not updating the 'Old News' section because I had no internet connection at home...
25/5 - New Midis: Mega: Batman: Gotham City Streets and Streets of Rage 3: Mr. X; SNES: Radical Dreamers: Under Moonlight, fixed Pushover Middle Ages music, changed Master System sections and added some requests there =P and added requests for Sailor Moon Another Story ^^
19/5 - New Composition... and some requests added =P
16/5 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Columns =P
9/5 (May) - New Midis: Clotho and Lathesis for Mega Drive Columns... and added a link on Master System Alex Kidd Hi Tech World soundtrack, to a Fantasy Zone music that is in the game =P
7/5 (May) - New Midis: Golvellius (complete soundtrack); fixed keywords on many sections, added some notes on About Me section, and updated it too =P
5/5 (May) - New Midis: Master System: Golvellius: 7 done... 23 to go =P
4/5 (May) - New Midis: Sailor Moon Another Story: 3 musics =P
22/4 - Updated midis from V-Z... =P now I can start doing more midis... ^^
21/4 - Updated midis from P-T... ^^
20/4 - Updated some musics from I-P... but not all midis on P yet... (Pokémon R/S sure have a lot of music... XD) and added 3 requests on SNES page... ^^
19/4 - New Midis: Sailor Moon Another Story - Silver Millenium, Let's Fight, Sad Song, and Time-Space Door... =P and updated all midi F-H... some drums and volumes again... ^^
17/4 - New Midi: Sailor Moon Another Story - Crisis; changed some drums and volumes on all midis starting with A-E... (not only Master System...) =P
10/4 (Apr) - New Midis: SpellCaster (MS) - Original Ending. Only the japanese version of the game (Kujakuou) have this music... =P
7/4 (Apr) - New Midis: Phantasy Star II (Mega Drive), Jurassic Park (Master System)... changed the sections A-H and I-P to A-E and F-P because it was getting too big... updated Trainer Battle music from Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (GBA), added 1 link (a brazilian forum), and... updated Old News... and About Me section.... and .... added 2 compositions... updated 2 Master System midi tags.. and..... that's all, I guess... Oh! Updated SNes section (some new requests), and now I think that's all.... =P
19/3 - New Midis: Phantasy Star II: Phantasy (the intro theme), other midis from Phantasy Star II will come soon... ^^
14/3 - New Midis: SNes: Push Over: Greek and Middle Age stages =P (finally some new SNes midis..... have to do more...)
1/3 (Mar) - New Midis: Master System: Alien 3; Mega Drive: Monster World 3 (Wonderboy in Monster World); Game Boy: Pokémon Red/Blue;... that means one thing: I'm back! ^___^
29/1 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Columns: Atropos, Monster World 3 (Wonderboy in Monster World): 4 musics... =P
27/1 - New sequences, finally ^_^ Mega Drive: Legend of Toki (or maybe it's Legend of Juju.... don't really know, so I can't upload to vgmusic O_o): Underwater... Devil Hunter Yohko: Scene 4, and updated Scene 2 =P and this: as I worked on Monster World 1 and 2 (both for Master System) this yer I will work on Monster World 3, called Wonderboy in Monster World outside Japan.... the musics are pretty cool ^__^
17/1/2004 - I've been very lazy this year... no 2004 sequences yet... just compositions... all made in 2003, though... just felt confident enough to put them on the home page now =P
31/12 - This is the last midi of 2003... Happy New Year Everyone ^_____^ thanks for visiting my humble page! =P
26/12 - just found out who is the composer for Pokémon Red/Blue.. ^^'' xmas didn't let me do midis anyway =P
21/12 - New Pokémon Red/Blue Midis...some battle themes =P
19/12 - New Pokémon Red/Blue Midis... more specific, town themes... =P
17/12 - More new Pokémon Red/Blue Midis.... =P
13/12 - New Midis: Game Boy: Pokémon Red/Blue, some other musics... =P oh, I wrote on VGMusic forums something about not thinking about pokémon midis again this year... but I changed my mind.. =P
12/12 (Dec) - New Midis: Game Boy: Pokémon Red/Blue, some musics... =P
10/12 (Dec) - New Midis: Master System FM: Monster World 2 (Wonder Boy 3: the Dragon's Trap)... different from other FM tracks, there aren't key changes and new tracks on these... I got a little disapppointed.. =P and I couldn't find any compatible instruments on some musics... but most of them sound pretty good, especially about Mind of Hero and The Monster's Lair tracks ^^
7/12 (Dec) - Johnnyz's MIDIs Page is now 1 year old! ^_____^ I'm so happy! =P New Midis: Master System FM: Monster World (Wonder Boy in Monster Land, outside Japan...)... ^^''
4/12 (Dec) - New Midis: Master System: Phantasy Star FM ^^
30/11 - New Midis: Master System: Aztec Adventure FM Soundtrack ^^
29/11 - Started new section Master System FM soundtracks, and there is a midi there ^__^ Aztec Adventure, Title Screen music... doing more later... and this new midi on SNes section... Sailor Moon Another Story - Load Saved Game ^^
28/11 - New Midis: Game Boy Advance: Pokémon R/S: Game Corner Victory (only 3 unknown music to find ^^), Mega Drive: Eternal Champions: Larcen, Hellfire: Stage 5, Master System: Captain Silver (I've done these a month ago, just forgot to upload them...) =P also, I added a new page here.... Master System FM Soundtracks! ^__^ finally I'll start doing some really good midis for Master System =P
23/11 - New Midis, and last on Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire for a while... Lilycove (city and museum), and Mt. Chimney ^_^
22/11 - New Midis: Pokémon R/S: Oceanic Museum, Game Corner, and Battle Tower. Only 3 left on the list, but! I know there is something missing there... =P I just can't find it in the game... as I only played Sapphire, maybe it's on Ruby... =P
21/11 - New Midis: Pokémon R/S (almost all of them done ^__^): Elite Four Encounter, Battle and Victory themes, and Champion Encounter and Battle ^__^ oh, and I forgot to add this yesterday... I changed the name of one of the midis: Interviewer Encounter to TV Theme, I think it's better =P and! about sending them to VGMusic, I'll send them all together, when I finish the 6 last midis ^__^''
20/11 - New Midis: Pokémon R/S: Pokéfan, Pokémaniac, Cooltrainer, Gentleman, and Hiker Encounters, and Trick House too ^^
19/11 - New Midis: Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire: Prof. Birch's Pokémon Lab, Drought, Hall of Fame, Champion!, and The End ^^ and I have a new sequencing program, of course.... =P
6/11 (Nov) - More new midis! Pokémon Ruby\Sapphire! I got completely into it, there is a high probability I'll sequence all of the musics left! and soon! but....... something happened and I had to format my pc... now I don't have the sequencing program... so, wait for new midis next week, or later... because I won't live without doing midis! ^__^
25/10 - well... there is a lot of Pokémon R\S new sequences! I don't even remember which are new or old, because I started updating all of my sequences... and fixed Sootopolis City, Wild Pokémon Battle, and Mt. Pyre musics... they sound a little better now ^^
18/10 - New Midis: Pokémon Ruby\Sapphire: Meteor Falls, and Master System: Vigilante (all musics)...
12/10 (Oct) - New Midis: Cloud Master, Master System... the musics are really short, but I liked it ^^ And I'll do more midis for Pokémon Ruby\Sapphire soon ^__^
12/10 (Oct) - New Midis: SpellCaster (great musics! ^__^) and Thunder Blade (great musics too!) ^___^ both for Master System... only great music, this saturday was so great ^^
10/10 (Oct) - New Midis: Fantasy Zone 3: the Maze (Master System A-H section ^^'') and some updates on composers, thanks to Fishfrog, and his post on SMSPower music forums ^_^
5/10 (Oct) - I had some time to do midis ^___^ now there are some new midis to add: Pokémon R\S Pokémart, and Mt. Pyre... on Master System: Zillion 2: Tri Formation (complete soundtrack) and I'm working on Fantasy Zone 3 ^^ great musics... hm... oh yeah, I added the composer and names to musics for After Burner, thansk to SMSPower ^__^
2/10 (Oct) - I didn't have time to do midis, but this Friday I will... so I just refreshed the links page, and cutted the blogs links, cause they'll be in my blog ^^ (my blog is in portuguese, sorry...) =P
16/9 - 1 new midi: Pokécenter
14/9 - I took the Sunday to do 2 more midis (4, in theory, but.... bad luck was involved)... Pokémon R\S - Regi battle... and Grudon\Kyogre Battle ^^ also, added some links... tell me if you found a broken link! ^__^
13/9 - 2 new midis: Pokémon Ruby\Sapphire - Diving and Sootopolis ^__^
5/9 (Sep) - Added (FINALLY!!!) the About me section.... maybe it's too confusing, I'll organize it later... =P
2/9 (Set) - Nothing, really nothing..... I'm very sad, and I don't feel like doing midis... maybe I'll do the about me section this month... -__-
10/8 (Ago) - I did this ^___^ hehehe: I've added one link more... and a new midi ^_^ Pokémon R\S: Magma\Aqua Leader Battle
5/8 (Ago) - No new midis yet... I've been a little lazy... -__- I've added a link... and I've reached the point of Pokémon Ruby\Sapphire where I fight the Aqua Leader Battle... so it will be one of my next midis ^__^
28/7 - New Midis: Master System: Black Belt ^^
26/7 - New Midis: Master System: Hokuto no Ken soundtrack... some musics are the same from Black Belt. And Pokémon R\S Surfing theme ^^
24/7 - New Midis: Pokémon R\S - Trainer Battle, Fortree City, Team Magma\Aqua Defeated, Badge Acquired.
19/7 - New Midis: Mega Drive: Hellfire - Stage 6
18/7 - Some new midis: Pokémon R\S - Route 123, Intro... Transbot (SMS) - All musics...
12/7 (Jul) - I separated this news thing, so the page will load faster ^__^ and I added some links... my friends blogs... New Midis: Pokémon R\S - Route 113, Route 120, 121
8/7 (Jul) - Fixed one little bug in the Master System I-P section... also, I'm thinking about moving these 'news' to a separated page.... it's getting bigger... :P
7/7 (Jul) - I finally finished the Prince Ali midi........ it was really hard to do it.... and it's still unfinished.... I have to unscramble the tracks and set the instruments better.... New Midis: Mega Drive: Aladdin: Prince Ali
5/7 (Jul) - Just to remember people something... the date on these news is brazilian notated... so, it's 5/July... not May/7... ok? No midis added again... I added my links ^__^ some are brazilian... and I separated the Master System section again... now there are 3 of them...
4/7 (Jul) - No midis added... -__- I'm very confused trying to fix something... I will probably have problems with the counter... or not ^^
21/6 - Added new midis: Master System A-M section: After Burner, Kenseiden, and 1 Pokémon Red\Blue midi too... Game Boy ^^
10/6 (Jun) - Not much of updates... I will start the 'about me' section soon ^^ New Midis: Pokémon R\S, 3 musics;;;
3/6 (Jun) - I really have to turn off ICQ when I update... it's so faster... ^__^ New Midis: Pokémon R\S, 5 new musics, and a new composition I'm working on.
23/5 - Finishing the little updates and uploads, well... not yet... I have to put some things right here.... about the composer for some games on Master System section. New Midis: Pokémon R\S - Rival Encounter
15/5 - I'm working on some minor adjustments with the Master System midis, so if you can't download one of them, email me... New Midis: Dragon Crystal, Zillion (both for Master System)
13/5 - Not much to add... just the Art of Fighting new midi... Mr. Big's theme.... :P
27/4 - I've separated the Master System section, cause it was too slow to load... New Midis: Games: GBA: Pokémon Ruby\Sapphire, Master: Astro Warrior
18/4 - You won't believe it... Every time I tried to connect to this thing since 12/4 was a failure.... I did 5 defrags in only 1 week.... sheesh.... well, good news... a new section is borning: Game Boy Advance ^^ New Midis: Games: GBA: Pokémon Ruby\Sapphire, Master: Choplifter
6/4 (Apr) - Sorry for being late... -__- I didn't do too much and I was lazy to put just 2 or 3 new midis here... Games: Master: Cyber Shinobi, Mega: Eternal Champions, Ristar.
15/3 - I decided to add more midis weekly. And I added some midis of course... ^^ Games: Master: Psycho Fox; Mega: Ristar; Gameboy: Pokémon Red/Blue.
8/3 (Mar) - Finally I remembered the password! ^^ just kidding... new midis finally added! Games: Master: Fantasy Zone, Fantasy Zone II, Lemmings, Rastan, Sonic Chaos, Teddy Boy, Wonder Boy III: the Dragon's Trap;
Mega: Monster World IV, Ranger X; SNes (finally started the section): Super Mario All-Stars, Sailor Moon Another Story; Gameboy: Castlevania Legends; Hmm... and added the Links section, that I'll do later...
5/3 (Mar) - Back from vacation
2/1/2003 - HAPPY NEW YEAR! merry xmas too... I was too busy these last days... didn't even notice I'm using brazilian notation to put the date in the news.. :P New midis in the Master System Section! ^^ Games: Chuck Rock, Psycho Fox, Sonic Chaos.
19/12 - I only do the page in English from now on. And I added two Sonic Chaos new MIDIs. Anyway, my decision to do the page only in English.... it's all my fault. I want the page to be for all... and that's my final decision... anyway, I added my compositions! ^^ give it a listen!
15/12 - Adicionei MIDIs novos em folha! ^^ Jogos: Alex Kidds, e as músicas do BIOS do Master System...
Logo, a home page năo vai mais ser em portuguęs... infelizmente... prefiro fazer em inglęs, pro mundo todo... acho que vai ser melhor pra mim, e pra grande maioria...
12/12 - Mais MIDIs de Master System foram adicionados... Jogos: Alex Kidd the Lost Stars, Alex Kidd in Shinobi World, Fantasy Zone, Shinobi.
10/12 - Adicionei um MIDI de Alex Kidd BMX Trial, tô meio sem tempo pra botar mais coisas agora...
9/12 - Adicionei a seçăo de Mega Drive, e a seçăo de Game Boy! tem bem pouco, porque eu sou preguiçoso com esses, săo mais difíceis de fazer... Jogos: Mega Drive: Devil Hunter Yohko (Japăo); Game Boy: Castlevania Legends
Tudo em Inglęs nas duas seçőes... Aé, botei na seçăo de Master System um MIDI de Alex Kidd High Tech World...
8/12 - Adicionei os MIDIs da seçăo de Master System! Espero que năo tenha erros... Jogos: Aztec Adventure, California Games, Castle of Illusion, Columns, Double Dragon, Fantasy Zone, Fantasy Zone II, Gain Ground, Lord of the Sword, Monopoly, Phantasy Star, Populous, Psychic World, RC Grand Prix, Shinobi, Shadow Dancer, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic Chaos, Wonder Boy, Wonder Boy in Monster World, Zillion. Adicionei também uma amostra do Alex Kidd in Miracle World... aé, tá tudo em Inglęs por lá...
8/12 - Adicionei a seçăo de Master System! adiciono os MIDIs logo...
7/12 - Adicionei um contador! isso é tăo legal! ^^
7/12 yet - decided to do news only in one language, cause it's annoying to write twice about the page... it will be in Portuguese. But it will be easy to understand, I guess...
7/12 - Minha home page nasceu! ^_^ ......................................................................................... 7/12 - My home page was born! ^_^